Siansonic Ultrasonic Coating System for Production Line

 The ultrasonic spray coating machine for production line which has an automatic conveyor is mainly designed for installing into the existing production line. It is usually equipped with WideMist ultrasonic nozzle and also can be equipped with multiple spray nozzles in parallel. Precision continuous metering pump system is able to provide continuous liquid feeding for 24 hours. For glass, plastic, metal and other substrates, it can also be configured with atmospheric plasma spray system for surface treatment before coating process.


Ultrasonic spray coating which is a thin film layer deposition technique based on ultrasonic atomizing nozzle technology can deposit highly homogenous and controllable coating. Furthermore, since the atomization of ultrasonic spray coating is due to ultrasonic oscillation rather than the gas with high kinetic energy, ultrasonic coating significantly reduces the consumption of raw materials due to little overspray and splashing. The transfer efficiency of raw materials of ultrasonic coating is as high as 4 times of air spray coating.


Siansonic ultrasonic spray coating machine for production line is used for various of applications on thin film coatings deposition such as functional layers for thin-film solar cell, functional layers for biosensors and microfluidic chips, photoresist coatings for silicon wafers, anti-reflection (AR) coatings, hydrophilic coatings, hydrophobic coatings, thermal insulation coatings, transparent conductive coatings, etc.


Features of Ultrasonic Coating System for Production Line

Quality ultrasonic coating system with a conveyor for automatic transfer of substrates


Capable of multiple nozzles array for improving the production rate


Various options of Siansonic ultrasonic spray nozzles


Digital ultrasonic generator: multi high-speed DSPs process, multi-closed-loop control with power precision in 0.01W.


Continuous liquid delivery system: capable of continuous liquid feeding for 24 hours


Uniformity: >95%


Thickness of coating: 20nm-100 micron (Depends on material)


High transfer efficiency of coating material, usage ratio can be higher than 85%.


Servo motion system


Max liquid viscosity: 20-30cps


Max solid particle size in suspensions: 10-20micron


Full-color touch screen and friendly user interface.


Precision air pressure control: keep carrier gas stable and adjustable


Ultrasonic dispersion system is optional for stirring of suspensions


Built-in exhaust system and waste recycling system


Options of Ultrasonic Coating System for Production Line

ConeMist, WideMist, FocusMist, NanoMist, LineMist, Penetrator and other series of Siansonic ultrasonic nozzles.


Multi-nozzles array


Ultrasonic dispersion syringe: dispersing and stirring the suspension during liquid feeding to avoid agglomeration.


Plasma spray system


Applications of Ultrasonic Coating System for Production Line

New energy: thin film solar cells, silicone solar cells.


Biomedical: functional coatings of microfluidic chips, biosensors


Electronics and semiconductors: photoresists, conductive inks, transparent conductive oxides, etc.


Glass coating: AR anti-reflection, hydrophilic and hydrophobic coating, hard protective coating, etc.




Photoresist Coatings For Semiconductor

Widemist Ultrasonic Nozzle

Megasonic Cleaning Equipment Systems